I sit here once again, bug eyed at my computer trying to gather my thoughts, I found this to be an appropriate starting point. The reason being, I have been trying to create some document worthy of posting for far too many months now. The deeper I go, the more lost and overwhelmed I begin to feel. That feeling of complete ineptitude, i know all to well, starts to fester from the depths of my soul yet again. I begin to ask myself the infinite questions stemming around the who, what, why, how, and where? The harder I try to create a finished product the more my mind begins to whirl downwards into an abyss of nothing productive. I finally subdue myself to my ignorance and admit defeat……for the time being.
I find myself drawn back to the keypad or paper to once again have a go at immortal victory over this craft called writing. I get through one of the seemingly endless rough drafts from days, months, years past thinking maybe, just maybe, I wrote something better then what I thought. Never the less, i am once again defeated. I take the boo boo trash of yesterday and immediately send it into oblivion, for no eyes should be doomed to its nothingness.
There I sit, clean slate and topic on the ready. I take one deep breath with my eyes closed, imagining how great these thoughts in my head are and just how amazing they may be on paper. If only the task was that easy and my thoughts matched up with the words in their physical form. Undeterred, I begin to write about the same matter at the forefront of my consciousness, hoping there will be something presentable before my time on this earth is up. Depressing, right?
Wrong! This is what the whole writing process is about. The struggle to refine ones thoughts into a presentable physical form that not only relates to the individual, but can potentially become timeless to all who cross it’s path. Maybe, even immortal. The ability to take from ones own experience, simplify it to the absolute minimal, and present it to the masses in a matter in which all could benefit from it, is a true art. As with any discipline of self mastery it takes time, deep thought, and tons of effort on a daily basis.
You are not a prolific writer immediately, just as one is no horseman in 5—10 years. The more intentional work done towards writing, the better it will become. I have created countless drafts covering anything and everything most intriguing and confusing to me in hopes to find some new understanding of them. Ninety nine percent of those help me personally grow within, but at the end of the day i have no product to present to the public to prove my efforts. That took me a long time to be ok with.
With every word typed and reread, I become a little bit better. Little by little, each one of those seemingly clear thoughts in my head start to match up more with the letters splattered out on paper. When these moments happen, my thoughts are stress tested. Each test bringing me closer to what my thoughts are actually trying to convey through new platforms. One correct word, leads to one correct sentence, eventually leading to one clear paragraph even. Eventually something is edited to the best form I am capable of at that time, exposing me to real growth or sending me back to the beginning to further develop the thought.
The best edited form of the original mental thought transformed into written form, creates clarity of spoken word. I must be capable of taking a thought from my mind, speak and write about it in such a manner that others can understand my point and perhaps, even relate with their own similar story. This is proof of understanding and a indicator that I just may be on the correct path.
As with anything worth pursuing, in order to become better, I must turn it into a discipline to be intentionally practiced daily. If done so correctly, I may be able to better serve others. Serve others in unimaginable ways, opening doors to unimaginable paths, to be taken into the future. No matter what the discipline is, the recipe is always the same. Time, effort, help, and deep thought. Sorry no quick “fixes” or “shortcuts” here!
In parting words, I challenge you to think deeply through writing. Try to match up your mental thoughts with the physical and oratory counter parts. Take your thought, expand it, then simplify it to the purest form that still encapsulates the original thought, then repeat. In the simplest form you can create, see if you can have that version remain true to you, the person across from you, and finally to the masses. If that happens you have reached the end of the deep thought process, at least for the time being, until your next growth experience. Then you get to go back and challenge that simplification to see if it still remains true. In the meantime, move on to your next challenging thought.
That is the marker of a truly refined thought. Simple in written or spoken form, infinite in relatable detail; both personal and to the masses.